Vote Green to stop the BNP


London – 2 June 2009

“A big vote for the Greens is one way to stop the BNP winning seats in the European elections on 4 June. In some constituencies, the battle to win the last seat is between the Green Party and the BNP. A vote for the Greens will not only ensure the election of progressive Green MEPs, but also help block the election BNP candidates,” said human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, who is the Green Party’s human rights spokesperson.

“In the north west of England, there are fears that the BNP leader Nick Griffin might win a seat and become an MEP. This would give the BNP access to the European Parliament’s cash and resources to promote their racist agenda. The person best placed to stop Nick Griffin is Peter Cranie, the Green Party candidate. Victory for the Greens will deprive the BNP of a seat in the north west,” he said.

“Peter Cranie is an anti-racist candidate of great commitment, vision and compassion. He will be a very effective voice for the north west in the European Parliament. I am proud to support him.

“The BNP is a divisive, bigoted, sectarian, nasty party. All it offers is rage and hate. It has no practical solutions to the economic crisis, mass unemployment, climate chaos and the corruption of parliament. It has a sick history of scapegoating and vilifying black, Jewish, gay and Muslim people.

“In the wake of the MPs expenses scandal, the Greens are an honourable alternative to tainted Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties.

“Politicians from all three major parties have abused the expenses system. It is time to kick the established parties out of office. We need some fresh, clean Green faces in the European Parliament.

“MPs who have fiddled their expenses should be prosecuted for fraud and barred from public office.

“People who vote Green will be voting for progressive change, for investment in new green jobs, such as energy conservation, which will help cut household fuel bills and combat climate destruction.

“The Green Party stands for a safer, cleaner and fairer Britain and Europe. We are not just the party of environmental protection; we are also the party of social justice, with strong and fair policies on jobs, health, pensions, housing and education.

“The Greens oppose Post Office privatisation. We believe that good quality public services are the key to a good quality of life for the British people.

“We support the Trade Union Freedom Bill, because we believe that employees have the right to defend themselves against greedy employers who underpay their staff and who force people to work in unsavoury conditions,” said Mr Tatchell.