


      Despite driving rain earlier in the afternoon, 1000 people of all races and sexualities thronged Old Compton Street at 6:30 on Friday, 7th May, for the Vigil commemorating the victims of the bomb one week earlier, and the victims of the two previous bombings in Brixton and Brick Lane.

      As well as an act of remembrance, the Vigil was an affirmation of our community's defiance of homophobia, queer-bashing, and neonazi terrorism.

      Gay pop singer Tom Robinson opened with a soulful rendition of "Lean on Me". Then, at 6:37 p.m., the exact time that the bomb exploded on 30th April, there was a minute's silence in remembrance.

Old Compton St.
Old Compton St., packed from Dean St. to Wardour St. , 82 KB

      Organised by OutRage! --and bringing together representatives of the Black, Asian, and Gay communities hit by the bomber-- the Vigil was compered by Peter Tatchell, saying: "Our message tonight is: 'United we stand. Bombs will not divide us, nor drive us underground'".

      There were shouts of agreement and applause when, referring to the House of Lords veto of an equal Age of Consent on 13th April, which was spearheaded by the Conservative peeress Baroness Young of Farnworth, Tatchell stated: "Baroness Young fuelled the hate; the bomber lit the fuse."

      Speakers representing the different communities shattered by April's three bombings underlined the close connexion between racism and homophobia, and deplored the procrastination of our politicians in equalising the Age of Consent, repealing Section 28, eradicating bullying in schools, (see Stonewall or THT), and the Government's failure to crack down on hate crimes.

Ken Livingstone
Ken Livingstone, MP , 49 KB

Darryl Telles
Darryl Telles, Lesbian & Gay Coalition against Racism , 53 KB

Tess Joseph
Tess Joseph, Jewish Gay & Lesbian Group , 55 KB

Stephen Kristian
Stephen Kristian, OutRage!, 40 KB

Teresa Bennett
Teresa Bennett, Anti-Nazi League , 34 KB

Tom Robinson
Tom Robinson, singing "Glad to be Gay", (with updated lyrics) , 52 KB

Sue Sanders
Sue Sanders, School's Out , 51 KB

Sukwant Dhaliwal
Sukwant Dhaliwal, Southall Black Sisters, 28 KB

      Ken Livingstone, MP --the former leader of the Greater London Council-- urged the Government to respond to the bombing by repealing Section 28 which, he said, was inhibiting the ability of teachers to challenge homophobic prejudice and bullying in schools. Livingstone said this failure to tackle antigay attitudes gave free reign to the bigotry that inspired the bomber and his neonazi sympathisers.

      Black speakers --Teresa Bennett of the Anti-Nazi League, Darryl Telles of the National Assembly against Racism, and Sukwant Dhaliwal of Southall Black Sisters (SBS)-- urged a united front to challenge racism and homophobia and to defend the Black, Asian, and Gay communities against right-wing extremist violence. Tess Joseph of the Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group read a statement from the Chief Rabbi, Prof. Jonathan Sacks, which said: "Once again human beings are being murdered because of who and what they are. These bombings are not just attacks on specific communities: they are attacks on our humanity and diversity. They remind us of the hatred that still survives towards minorities ... We stand with the people of Brixton, Brick Lane, and Soho, ready to fight for all people to live without fear, knowing that a society that cannot live with difference cannot live at all."

      A number of speakers underlined the need for immediate Government action by referring to their own personal experiences. -- Sue Sanders of School's Out, (the campaign against homophobia in schools), told how, as an out lesbian, she had had to give up teaching; and Tom Robinson spoke of the homophobia he experienced at school, which at the time had led him to contemplate suicide. Tom led the crowd in singing his gay anthem, "Glad to be Gay", with a new verse written in response to the Soho bomb.

St. Anne's
Tributes left at the 'Act of Prayer and Reflection' in the gardens of St. Anne's Church, Soho , 70 KB



      The appeal for victims of the Soho + Brick Lane + Brixton Bombings, is being organised by London's L/G/B/T community in conjunction with Massow Financial Services Ltd., (Tel. 020-

      Cheques should be made payable to:

"April Bombing Appeal"
and sent to:

Massow Financial Services Ltd.,
36-38, West Street,
London WC2H 9NA.



      "Violence against lesbians and gay men did not begin with the Soho bomb. A third of all lesbians and gays have been beaten up by queer-bashers because of their homosexuality.

      "We urge the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, to respond to the Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho bombings by introducing comprehensive anti-hate-crime laws, to protect everyone.

      "It is time there were new laws to safeguard all vulnerable communities against prejudice-motivated violence, harassment and incitement to hatred.

      "Last year, the Government vetoed an OutRage!-sponsored amendment to the Crime & Disorder Bill that would have cracked down on hate crimes, providing new protection to people victimised because of their race, sexuality, religion, politics, HIV status, or disability.

      "Labour's veto of that amendment was a grave mistake. It sent the wrong signal to the hate-mongers, giving the impression that Labour is soft on bigotry.

      "The Government should now put right that error of judgement by amending the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 to impose tougher sentences on all hate crimes.

      "Such legislation would be a permanent, positive memorial to those injured and killed in the three bombings.




Tom Robinson: Glad to be Gay

The development of the lyrics between versions reflects the political and social progress which has been made in the intervening years.

Good to be Gay Glad to be Gay, 1987 Glad to be Gay, 1997 Glad to be Gay, 1999
Good To Be Gay
(Glad To Be Gay Part I)

It's the same old story all over the world
When a boy meets a boy and a girl meets a girl
We all come together cos we're happy to say
It's a natural fact that it's good to be gay

We've been analysed, ridiculed and driven away
By our elders and betters just for growing up gay
They trampled on our feelings
Till we hid them for shame
Well now 'Glad to be Gay' is the name of the game

Cos it's the same old story all over the world
When a boy meets a boy and a girl meets a girl
We all come together cos we're happy to say
It's a natural fact that it's good to be gay

Don't feel guilty if you're passing for straight
If you wanna be yourself, well it's never too late
People won't mind if you're honest and gay
You might even find they prefer you that way

Cos it's the same old story all over the world
When a boy meets a boy and a girl meets a girl
We all come together cos we're happy to say
It's a natural fact that it's good to be gay

Glad To Be Gay, 1987

The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
'Bout them raiding our pubs for no reason at all
Lining the customers up by the wall
Picking out people and knocking them down
Resisting arrest as they're kicked on the ground
Searching their houses and calling them queer
I don't believe that sort of thing happens here

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

Pictures of naked young women are fun
In Titbits and Playboy, page three of The Sun
There's no nudes in Gay News our last magazine
But they still find excuses to call it obscene
Read how disgusting we are in the press
The News of The World and the Sunday Express
Molesters of children, corruptors of youth
It's there in the paper, it must be the truth

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

Have you heard the story about Peter Wells
Who one day was arrested and dragged to the cells
For being in love with a man of 18
The vicar found out they'd been having a scene
The magistrate sent him for trial by the Crown
He even appealed, but they still sent him down
He was only mistreated a couple of years
Cos even in prison they...
Look after the queers

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

So sit back and watch as they close all our clubs
Arrest us for meeting and raid all our pubs
Make sure your boyfriend's at least 21
So only your friends and your brothers get done
Lie to your workmates, lie to your folks
Put down the queens and tell anti-queer jokes
Gay Lib's ridiculous, join their laughter
'The buggers are legal now -
What more are they after?'

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

Glad To Be Gay (1997)

The British Police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
'Bout them spending 3 million to bust up a ring
Of consenting leathermen doing their thing;
It might have been private, where no-one complained
But the judge put an end to their fun & their games
He sentenced the members to four or five years
I can't believe that sort of thing happened here

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy this way

The liars of Wapping are really the pits
Commissioned by bigots & written by shits
They plaster their pages with bingo & tits
Then add all the scandal and slander that fits
They pick out their victims, destroying their lives
They sneer as they smear as they damn and despise
If it's paedophile teachers or lesbian nuns
If it's filth and it's fiction... it's there in The Sun

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy this way

And now there's a nightmare
They blame on the gays
It's brutal and lethal and slowly invades
The medical facts are ignored or forgot
By the bigots who think
It's the judgement of God
Attacked by the Vatican, bashed by The Bill
With cheap politicians all making a kill
The message is simple and obvious, please
Just lay off the patients and let's fight the disease

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy this way

For 21 years now I've fought for the right
For people to love just whoever they like
But the right-on and righteous are out for my blood
Now I live with my kid and a woman I love
Well if gay liberation means freedom for all
A label is no liberation at all
I'm here and I'm queer and I do what I do
And I'm not gonna wear... a straitjacket for you

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy that way

The LA police are the best in the world
I don't believe one of these stories I've heard
About pretty policemen in leather and jeans
Showing their leg though a split in the seams
Seeking out superstars, leading them on
Then running them in when they start to respond
But back here in Britain we're equal and free
Except when the case is... a Labour MP

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy this way

The papers in Britain are really the pits
Commissioned by bigots and written by shits
The ludicrous logic we've heard in the Lords
From the dinosaur fogeys who fashion our laws
A boy of 16 can enlist overnight
He can drop out of school or get hitched to a wife
But if hetero teenagers sample our vice
They'll enjoy it so much, they're... addicted for life

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy this way

And here at the scene of the nightmare again
We mourn and remember our brothers and friends
Remember the price of the progress we've made
The lovers and others we've lost on the way
The scale of the hatred continues to run
From Cheltenham ladies to murdering scum
Bisexual, lesbian, glad to be gay
We're here and we're human and... won't go away.

Sing if you're glad to be gay
Sing if you're happy this way


"First they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller


BBC: Coverage of Vigil
ITN: Prince Charles visits Soho

Reply to Jack Straw 19-December-1999
Letter from the Home Secretary in Reply to OutRage! Letter to Tony Blair 22-November-1999
OutRage! invites Blair to "kick ass" 21-July-1999
Response: Low-key DfEE encouragement for teachers to come out
Annotated Reply from Home Office 23-June-1999
Letter to David Blunkett 25-May-1999
Police Failed to Warn Gay Public: OutRage! call for a Public Enquiry
Letter to Jack Straw -- Call for Government Action after Soho bombing
Call for Tough New Laws against Antigay Hate Crimes
Soho Bomb -- 3 killed, scores injured

BBC News
Metropolitan Police -- Priorities: Jill Dando + Brixton Bomb (picture of suspect)
Book of Condolence

Stephen Lawrence Enquiry: Recommendations


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©1999, OutRage! London
OutRage! London
URL: http://www.RoseCottage.me.uk/OutRage-archives/bombvigil.htm
Last modified: 26-January-2000