Glad To Be Gay No More?
The demise of gay identity is inevitable.
The demise of gay identity is inevitable.
Gay identity is destined for oblivion once homophobia is overturned.
Overcoming homophobia will result in more people having gay sex but fewer people claiming gay identity.
Gay emancipation will destroy gay identity. This is a good thing, because gay identity sustains gay conformism.
Gay identity has nothing to do with biology and everything to do with homophobia. Winning gay freedom will make gay identity redundant.
Society should accept sexual difference and diversity.
Everyone is potentially bisexual; the struggle for lesbian and gay equality is about the right of all people to share the joy of same-sex relationships without guilt or anxiety, and without the fear of prejudice and discrimination.
Peter Tatchell looks back with pride at the radical politics that inspired the London Gay Liberation Front, 1970-73.
A radical critique & agenda for social transformation