Cut gay blood ban to 3 months
12 month deferral period is medically unjustified
12 month deferral period is medically unjustified
Blanket 12 month gay blood ban is unjustified
Safe gay blood donors are still excluded
A change of policy to include the HIV virus test alongside the antibody test would be safer, smarter and free up more much-needed blood
THT and GMFA urged to support change
Any man who has had sex with a man, even once, even 50 years ago, and even if they test HIV-negative, cannot give blood
Public consultation meeting 27 October
The National Blood Service claims it wants to protect patients from HIV, but its indiscriminate ban on gay donors is flawed.
The National Blood Service is stereotyping gay men as modern-day “Typhoid Marys” by rejecting them as donors.
The ban on gay blood donors is based on homophobic myths that stereotype and demonise gay men.