Iran democracy protest in London
Ahmadinejad admits that gays exist in Iran and that they voted against him
Ahmadinejad admits that gays exist in Iran and that they voted against him
Human rights law defied, UK urged to intervene
A bid to clean up police says Interior Minister
Moscow’s mayor tried to crush the city’s gay pride parade. In so doing, he did the cause of gay rights in Russia a huge service.
Defend the right to protest
Defendants refused bail, face gay sex charges
A secret network of safe houses and escape routes is saving gay Iraqis from execution by Islamist death squads
Peter Tatchell says solidarity with the Iranian freedom struggle is non-negotiable, no matter how much the US threatens a military strike
Why are the left and the anti-war movement ignoring Hamas’s repression of the Palestinian people?
The government of Pakistan says it wants peace in Balochistan but supporters of the ousted dictator hold the real power