Homosexuality isn’t natural
Biology is not destiny. One-sided genetic explanations of homosexuality are crude, simplistic and doomed to failure.
Biology is not destiny. One-sided genetic explanations of homosexuality are crude, simplistic and doomed to failure.
Silence is collusion with tyranny.
Head Prefect, Vietnam War, Red Guards and the Black Panthers.
London elections 08: Greens have a fine record in London, and with Sian Berry as mayoral candidate deserve the votes of all progressives.
The Mayor’s record on gay issues is not as good as he claims. His rivals also need to set out where they stand.
Neo-Nazis threaten gay, black, Jewish and Muslim people.
Gay football world cup denied support by Ken.
Thabo Mbeki appealed for international support when he fought apartheid, but he now refuses to support the freedom struggle of the people of Zimbabwe.
The Olympic torch protests have focused on Beijing’s repression in Tibet, but serious abuses are also happening in China.
South Africa betrays black Zimbabweans.