Asylum Advice for LGBT Refugees
The ABC of how to claim asylum & fight deportation.
Asylum Shame – Abusing the Victims of Persecution
Peter Tatchell exposes the Home Office’s shameless, devious methods – legal and illegal – which are designed to ensure the deportation of as many asylum applicants as possible.
Bid to Deport Gay Ugandan Torture Victim
Racist, homophobic and sexual abuse by Home Office staff alleged.
Double Standards on Asylum and Terror
UK continues to abuse the rights of genuine asylum seekers.
Reform the homophobic asylum system – Justice for LGBT refugees
A five-point plan to ensure fairness for victims of homophobic persecution
Don’t deport Mehdi demo – Reform the asylum system, protect all gay refugees
Iran’s homophobic persecution condemned
Gay Asylum Seeker Driven to Suicide
Iranian fearing deportation burnt himself to death.