Road to WorldWar 2 |
1918, 11th November |
Great War ended with the capitulation of Germany. |
1933, 30th of January |
Hitler becomes German Chancellor. |
1936, 7th of March |
Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland in a bloodless invasion. |
1938, 14th of March |
Hitler annexes Austria. A plebiscite shows that nearly all approve. |
1938, 29th September |
Munich Britain and France allows Germany to invade Sudetenland. |
1939, 15th of March |
B�hmen and M�hren are invaded by Germany. |
1939, 1st September |
Germany invade Poland and caused Britain and France to declare war. |
1940, 9th of April |
German troops seize Norway and Denmark. |
1940, May-June |
Germany invade the Netherlands, Belgium and France. |
1941, 6th of April |
invade Yugoslawia and Greece, delaying attack on Russia. |
1941, 22nd of June |
Hitler starts the attack on Russia, the emerging Super Power. |
1941, 7th of December |
Japanese attacks Pearl Harbour. USA declares war on Japan. |

Turning points of WW2: |
1941, 22nd of June |
Hitler�s doomed attack on Russia, the emerging Super Power. |
1941, 7th of December |
Hitler�s declaration of war against the other Super Power, USA. |
1942, 20th January |
Wannsee-conference with the "Endl�sung" preempting the defeat |
1942, Spring |
Hitler takes over as war-leader in face of defeat, OKW breaks down |
1942, June 3 |
Battle of Midway effectively broke the back of the Japanese Fleet. |
1942, August |
victory at El Alamain was a sideshow. |
1943, January |
At Stalingrad the Russian victory was as clear as the German defeat. |
1943-1944 |
Already in 1943 USA started canceling orders for war-production. |
1943, May 24 |
The Battle
of the Atlantic won: U-boots were loosing in the last 2 years |
1944, 6th of June |
meant a second front, and it was the beginning of the end. |
1944, 20th July |
Assassination attempt on Hitler marks that all could see the end. |
1945, 6th August |
A-bomb on
Hiroshima led to capitulation of Japan and the end of WW2. |

Country: |
Death Toll of WW2: Out of an total of abt. 50,000,000 |
Soviet Union |
20,000,000 casualties civilian and military |
China |
3,000,000- 15,000,000. The latter number is more likely. |
Germany |
4,500,000 including 1,000,000 civilians. |
Japan |
2,000,000 casualties. |
Bengal |
1,500,000 died of war-related famine in 1943 in Bengal |
Yugoslavia |
1,300,000 including 1,000,000 civilians |
Italy |
500,000 casualties. |
France |
500,000 casualties half of them civilians. |
Britain |
than 500,000 but with 120,000 additional from the Empire. |
United States |
less than
300,000 died; additional hundred thousands died in industry |
Hungary, Poland, Rom |
3-400,000 losses in each army of Hungary, Poland and Romania. |
East & CentralEurope |
4,300,000 to 5,800,000 Jews died as well as a similar number of slaws. |

Death Toll of The Great War 1914-1918 |
Germany |
1,808,000 |
Austria-Hungary |
1,200,000 |
Russia |
1,700,000 |
France |
1,385,000 |
England |
947,000 |
Italy |
460,000 |
Poland (civilians) |
500,000 |
Turkey |
350,000 |
Romania |
350,000 |
115,000 |
estimated |
8,000,000 |
Wounded |
19,536,000 |
Deadliest wars
since WW2 with totals of military and civil casualties: Korea 3,000,000 - Vietnam
2,059,000 - Nigeria 2,000,000 - Afghanistan 1,300,000 - Bangladesh 1,000,000 - China
1,000,000 - Cambodia 1,000,000 - India 800,000 - More died of the Spanish Disease
30,000,000 in 1918-19, than of WW1. - US Civil War 1,000,000 - 11,500,000 blacks
died in Belgican Congo around 1900. Of 11.000.000 died in Holocaust half were jews.
More died under Communist rule (62 mill. USSR -35.mill. China) than of the 2 World
Wars combined.
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